
Born in Edinburgh, Dave’s first interest in photography began at the age of 12 when he saw Ansel Adams ‘Moon and Half Dome’ photograph, which to this day still makes him speechless.

Dave started out photographing on a Centon 35mm point and shoot camera at the age of just 13, and bought his first Canon camera on his 18th Birthday. Dave concentrated on shipping (in particular naval shipping in Scotland) for many years.

Dave Cullen has been taking photographs for over 25 years, and they have been published all around the world from New York to Australia. Dave has had several of his images published in various worldwide newspapers, as well as having 32 images published in one book in 2013.

Dave graduated from Edinburgh College in 2016 with his HND in Professional Photography having spent the previous seven years doing various courses; Dave got his BA (Hons) in 2018.

Dave currently splits his work between his shipping images (Royal Navy Accredited), Press work, and has a particular love for landscape photography, which he specialises in. He enjoys long exposures with water, and experiments with filters.

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